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Agenzia delle Entrate. Provvedimento del 9 maggio 2024: trasferimenti da e per l’estero di mezzi di pagamento

Con il provvedimento del 9 maggio 2024, l’Amministrazione finanziaria recepisce l’ampliamento della platea dei soggetti tenuti a comunicare, ai fini del monitoraggio fiscale, i dati delle movimentazioni da o verso l’estero di valore pari o superiori a 5mila euro, inserendovi i prestatori di servizi in valuta virtuale e i prestatori di servizi di portafoglio digitale. Definito anche il set informativo da trasmettere alle Entrate.

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Banca d'Italia: Circolare n. 285 del 17 dicembre 2013 - 47° aggiornamento

Con il presente aggiornamento della Circolare n. 285/2013 viene modificato il Capitolo I, della Parte Prima, Titolo II, che contiene le disposizioni in materia di “Riserve di capitale”. Le nuove disposizioni recepiscono gli Orientamenti dell’EBA del 20 dicembre 2023 (EBA/GL/2023/10) recanti modifica agli Orientamenti EBA/GL/2020/14 in materia di precisazione degli indicatori a rilevanza sistemica e relativa informativa.

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ESMA - Call for Evidence on assets eligible for UCITS

ESMA published a Call for Evidence on the review of the Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Eligible Assets Directive (EAD). The objective of this call is to gather information from stakeholders to assess possible risk and benefits of UCITS gaining exposure to various asset classes. Investors and consumer groups interested in retail investment products, management companies of UCITS, self-managed UCITS investment companies, depositaries of UCITS and trade associations are invited to provide their feedback on market practices and interpretation or practical application issues with respect to the eligibility criteria and other provisions set out in the UCITS EAD. ESMA will consider all feedback received by 7 August 2024 using the form available on the related webpage. Taking into account the evidence and views collected, ESMA will develop its technical advice to the European Commission.  

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Banca d'Italia - Disposizioni in materia di fornitori di servizi di crowdfunding per le imprese

Pubblicati il resoconto della consultazione chiusasi nel gennaio 2024 e le Disposizioni finali di attuazione dell’articolo 4-sexies.1 del TUF in materia di fornitori di servizi di crowdfunding per le imprese. Il provvedimento entrerà in vigore decorsi 15 giorni dalla pubblicazione in GU. A partire dall’entrata in vigore delle Disposizioni non si applicherà più il paragrafo 2.2 degli Orientamenti di vigilanza dalla Banca d’Italia in materia di governo societario, controlli interni, idoneità degli esponenti e due diligence sui titolari dei progetti, relativo alla “Valutazione dell’idoneità degli esponenti” in quanto sostituito dal Capo II, paragrafo 3, delle Disposizioni

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Gazzetta Ufficiale. Provvedimento 2 maggio 2024. Scambio automatico conti finanziari: aggiornate le liste dei partecipanti

È stato pubblicato, sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale del 7 maggio 2024 (serie generale n. 105) il provvedimento 2 maggio 2024 del Mef a firma congiunta del direttore generale delle Finanze e del direttore dell’Agenzia delle entrate, che aggiorna gli elenchi degli Stati esteri coinvolti nello scambio automatico di informazioni sui conti finanziari

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Cassazione civile. Sentenza n. 10499 del 18 aprile 2024: Transfer pricing, il fisco non deve provare l’elusione

Con Sentenza n. 10499 del 18.04.2024, la Cassazione chiarisce che, ai fini del reddito di impresa, in caso di contestazione di transfer pricing, non trattandosi di disciplina antielusiva, l’onere della prova gravante sull’Amministrazione finanziaria non riguarda il vantaggio fiscale conseguito dal contribuente, ma solo l’esistenza di transazioni, tra imprese collegate, a un prezzo apparentemente inferiore a quello normale.

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EBA - Final draft technical standards under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation

EBA published three sets of final draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) and one set of final draft implementing technical standards (ITS) relating to the authorisation as issuer of asset-referenced tokens (ARTs), to the information for the assessment of acquisition of qualifying holdings in issuers of ARTs and to the procedure for the approval of white papers for ARTs issued by credit institutions under the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (MiCAR). These technical standards are key to regulate access to the EU market by applicant issuers of ARTs and persons intending to exercise significant influence on these undertakings via the acquisition of qualifying holdings. The RTS on authorisation lay down the information requirements to be included when applying for authorisation to offer to the public or seek admission to trading of an ART, so to enable the comprehensive assessment of the application by the competent authority. Following the public consultation, the scope of the authorisation has been amended to clarify that: a) the applicant issuer may only be a legal person or undertaking established in the EU, and b) whilst the issuance is not subject to authorisation, which only covers the public offer or the admission to trading, an application may only be submitted by an applicant issuer, therefore only an issuer may be granted authorisation. The ITS  on authorisation set out the standard application letter and the application template and clarify the process relating to the assessment of completeness of the application by the competent authority. As credit institutions are only required to receive approval to publish a white paper, the RTS and ITS on authorisation do not apply to credit institutions. The RTS on the detailed content of the information to be included in the notification for of the proposed acquisition of direct or indirect qualifying holdings lay down the information requirements that are necessary to the competent authority to carry out the prudential assessment in case of proposed acquisitions in issuers of ARTs that are not credit institutions. The RTS on the procedure for the approval of white papers for ARTs issued by credit institutions sets out the timeframes that credit institutions, competent authorities and the European Central Bank (ECB) or other central banks must follow during the procedure for the approval of a crypto-asset white paper  

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EBA - 2023 Annual Report: Part 1

EBA published the first part of its 2023 Annual Report presenting the main achievements and activities of the organisation in fulfilling its mandates under its Work Programme over the last 12 months. The year 2023 was an eventful and productive year, with the Agency delivering on over 95% of the tasks under its remit. These achievements came despite several macroeconomic and geopolitical developments and challenges, such as the impact of the US banking turmoil on the European Union , the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the resulting high inflation and interest rates. On the regulatory front, the EBA continued its work aimed at strengthening the EU financial sector, in particular by finalising the implementation of the Basel III framework in the EU, implementing the ESG roadmap, and delivering on its digital finance mandates under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR) and the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). In 2023, the EBA performed an enhanced EU-wide stress test and further rolled out its data strategy, aiming to improve the way regulatory data is acquired, compiled, used and disseminated to relevant stakeholders. In 2023, the EBA continued to lead, coordinate and monitor the EU financial sector’s fight against money laundering/terrorist financing (ML/TF) and enhanced its capacity in this area. The Authority also remained active and made progress in areas such as recovery and resolution, payment services, consumer and depositor protection, equivalence, and supervisory convergence and independence

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EBA - Collection of information on natural persons through AML/CFT database, EuReCA

Starting from May 2024, supervisors across the European Union (EU) will be able to report names of natural persons to EuReCA, the EU central database on anti-money laundering (AML) and countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) of the European Banking Authority (EBA). Through EuReCA, the EBA has been able to contribute to making supervision more informed, targeted and effective. With this step, the EBA will contribute to further strengthening the fight against money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) in the EU. EuReCA contains information on serious AML/CFT deficiencies in individual financial institutions that have been identified by EU supervisors. It also contains information on the measures taken by supervisors to address those deficiencies. If a serious deficiency or a measure is linked to a natural person, for example a customer or a beneficial owner, supervisors will be able to report this information to EuReCA. Supervisors can also report the name of a member of the management body or a key function holder in a financial institution, if necessary, because a lack of honesty or integrity can cause or lead to serious problems in a financial institution’s governance arrangements, business model or activities and ultimately, weaken the institution’s AML/CFT defences.

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EDPB - Annual Report 2023

The EDPB has launched its 2023 Annual Report. The report provides an overview of the work carried out by the EDPB in the previous year and reflects on important milestones, such as the election of Anu Talus as EDPB Chair; the adoption of two binding decisions and one urgent binding decision providing important common interpretations of data protection law and key legal principles that will shape the digital landscape; and the launch of the EDPB’s first outreach project for a general audience: the EDPB Data Protection Guide for small business. In addition, it includes examples of enforcement by data protection authorities at national level

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Regolamento delegato (UE) 2024/857 della Commissione, del 1o dicembre 2023

Il Regolamento delegato (UE) 2024/857 della Commissione che integra la direttiva 2013/36/UE del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio per quanto riguarda le norme tecniche di regolamentazione che specificano una metodologia standardizzata e una metodologia standardizzata semplificata per valutare i rischi derivanti da variazioni potenziali dei tassi di interesse che influiscano sia sul valore economico del capitale proprio che sui proventi da interessi netti delle attività di un ente diverse dalla negoziazione

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EDPB - Strategy 2024-2027

During its latest plenary, the EDPB adopted its strategy for 2024-2027. The strategy sets out the EDPB’s priorities, grouped around four pillars, as well as key actions per pillar to help achieve these objectives. These four pillars are: Pillar 1 – Enhancing harmonisation and promoting compliance Pillar 2 – Reinforcing a common enforcement culture and effective cooperation Pillar 3 – Safeguarding data protection in the developing digital and cross-regulatory landscape Pillar 4 – Contributing to the global dialogue on data protection

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